Secured Internet access for all users from anywhere to anywhere and cybersecurity control enforcement as required

Operated by high skilled and trained engineers focusing on monitoring and management of your systems and devices through Salam’s Saudi local Next Generation SOC (NG-SOC) facility.

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As cybersecurity threats and risks persist, along with concerns about data confidentiality and control, and as growing number of regulatory compliance frameworks to adhere to, a web security solution becomes highly necessary for providing business continuity, protecting valuable information, and managing compliance requirements

No, No need to install any Hardware or Software. The service is easy-to-deploy, fast to configure, and doesn't require any change to your network

• Local Traffic Termination in country Data Centers – to address country policies and regulations.
• In-Country logging within Salam’s Local Data Centers – to address privacy concerns for customers, Better User experience – addressing both security features with minimal latency introduced (covered with an SLA)

Service prices are based on number of users and the package you may choose based on your business need. Please contact our sales team to choose a package then an offer will be made.

Salam سلام

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