Fully managed, intelligently automated, and a combination of local and global cloud detection and mitigation solutions to defend against DDoS attacks

Operated by high skilled and trained engineers focusing on monitoring and management of your systems and devices through Salam’s Saudi local Next Generation SOC (NG-SOC) facility.

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To avoid any critical IT assets and business downtime, drive up Internet bandwidth costs which lead to a negative business reputation and financial loss.

No, No need to install any Hardware or Software. The service is easy-to-deploy, fast to configure, and doesn't require any change to your network.

Salam's DDoS Protection service is an end-to-end multi-layered solution based on market-leading technology hosted locally and utilizes an in-country 24x7 SOC team that complies with local and international standards and regulations

: Service prices are based on your Internet bandwidth and the package you may choose based on your business need. Please contact our sales team to choose a package then an offer will be made.

Salam سلام

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