Virtual -Firewall as a Service

The new and revolutionary way of delivering firewall and other network security capabilities as a cloud service. Simply, no longer require physical appliances to be installed on-site.

Operated by high skilled and trained engineers focusing on monitoring and management of your systems and devices through Salam’s Saudi local Next Generation SOC (NG-SOC) facility.

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New enterprise workloads and the need for speed and agility while current firewall architectures are complicated, do not scale and lock you in. Also, Ignorance or disabling a firewall can therefore leave a business vulnerable to abuse and give cybercriminals the opportunity to execute malicious actions remotely

No, No need to install any Hardware or Software. The service can be deployed quickly to protect your existing email environment without disruption or downtime.

Our service incorporates purpose-built hardware and software to provide industry-leading performance for the most demanding networking environments backed by SLAs commitment, high levels of service quality, qualified experts, and a robust, multi-channel support system.

Service prices are based on connectivity bandwidth and the package you may choose based on your business need. Please contact our sales team to choose a package then an offer will be made.

Salam سلام

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