Security Device Management  - Managed Firewall

Discover the full value of your technology investments with our security experts and ensure your security solution is managed efficiently and functions as designed

Service Description

Salam's Security Device Management is a Managed Firewall service provides 24x7 monitoring and management of your firewall solution following industry best practice approaches to provide appropriate service fulfillment by our SOC experts.

More information


Simply deploying security devices is not enough — they need to be monitored, managed, and updated constantly. This can be a complex and time-consuming task and preventing your security team from focusing on other critical security tasks.

: No, No need to install any Hardware or Software. The service is easy-to-deploy, fast to configure, we just need to establish remot access (IP-SEC) tunnle to access the device and manage it remotly.

Salam's Managed Firewall service is following industry best practice approaches to provide appropriate service fulfillment utilizes an in-country 24x7 SOC team that complies with local and international standards and regulations

Service prices are based on number of devices and the package you may choose based on your business need. Please contact our sales team to choose a package then an offer will be made.

Salam سلام

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